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5 Ways to Master the Art of Great Corporate Communication

Corporate communications has come a long way in recent years. It can be one of the single most important ways that a business can connect with their customer base, as well as foster a sense of security and pride for their staff members. As crucial as the role of corporate communications can be in making or breaking a company, most still seem to struggle. For those looking to master the art of great corporate communication, here are some ways to put a strategic plan in place.
1. Hire talented communications experts
Obvious as it may seem, a lot of companies are still not recruiting talented senior-level communications executives. Instead managers who may have had a crash course in corporate communications during business school are expected to be the voice of the company on an ad hoc basis. This can be a dangerous and defeating strategy in the long run. These days, it’s imperative to hire experienced communications experts with a deep understanding of the company’s products and processes. Invest in communications roles for the long-term as it may take years to truly learn and understand the company’s business. 
2. Have a plan
A great communications team should always have a communication strategy in place for all sorts of scenarios should an emergency arise. Waiting until a crisis occurs to come up with an action plan is a trap most companies fall into. It’s far wiser to have a predetermined, thoughtful response that can be changed and amended accordingly and whenever necessary. This will help thwart a disaster as soon as possible in order to reduce the amount of damage that it can be done to the company and its reputation. 
3. Be transparent
In today’s world of business, transparency and immediacy is key, especially when something goes wrong. Customers hold companies accountable for their actions and your corporate communications strategy should have a clear plan for how to rise above any negative press. Should disaster strike or a mistake is made, it’s vital for public opinion that the company acknowledges the error, apologise, and offer a solution or a way to correct the wrong. If the company denies any wrongdoing or responsibility, the reputation of the business is at stake and it will be extremely difficult to win back customer loyalty and confidence once it has been compromised.
4. Avoid corporate jargon and catch-phrases
People are now looking for connection and accessibility from companies. Don’t alienate your clientele with corporate speak and outdated business school soundbites that won’t speak to the heart of your message. Effective corporate communications is about being clear and concise, not confusing and boring. Use language that’s open, approachable, and direct whenever speaking to your audience.
5. Coach your employees on communications
Unfortunately, anyone can become a mouthpiece for your company, whether they’re in a position to do so or not and whether you like it or not. To help minimise any potential for trouble, educate your employees on the appropriate level of communication and type of information they are approved to share on behalf of or regarding the company with members of the media, social media channels, and even with friends and family. Train employees on the ways they can respond if someone asks them something about the company that they are not authorised to discuss and offer them ways in which they can direct questions to the right communications expert.