Career AdviceSuccessful entrepreneurs’ story

Successful entrepreneurs’ story

Learn from the successful entrepreneurs and find their career advice and guides to start your own career path. ...
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想像一下,如果閣下是一家本地初創數碼廣告企業,要為一本名為《瞿秋白與跨文化現代性》的學術書籍創作一系列數碼廣告,你會有甚麼想法? ...

Cyber Insurance Can’t Do it Alone: Attention to Fundamental Security Practices Provides the Necessary Protection Against Disasters

On the surface, cyber insurance seems like the perfect solution for dangerous times. Ransomware attacks surged dramatically in 2022, accounting for a quarter of all breaches. So, if your company does get hit, at least you have a way to recoup some of the losses you incur on your bottom line. But for those looking for a quick fix to a growing problem, cyber insurance has its shortcomings. For one, it’s getting prohibitively expensive. The protection it offers doesn’t address the issue of how you got hacked in the first place and how you can stop hackers in the future. And it doesn’t secure your data or keep it available. ...

Is cyber insurance a must-have?

The frequency and severity of cyberattacks have dramatically increased in recent years, leaving businesses and individuals vulnerable to financial loss and reputational damage. As technology continues to advance and with the ever-present threat of cyberattacks, this has led to a growing need for cybersecurity insurance. ...

Data protection in the cloud: 3 best practices

The “Global DataSphere” is exploding in size. IDC predicts that by 2026, the amount of data in the world will have doubled again. While most enterprises have digitised their operations, they continue to add more strategic workloads and create more and more data. So, as the amount of data enterprises have to deal with grows exponentially, moving to the cloud based on an elaborated strategy offers significant benefits like scalability, flexibility and cost-effective storage. ...

Mixx Collection與東森集團草莓網合作 直播帶貨3小時熱銷破百萬

最近Mixx Collection與上市公司台灣東森集團的合作,為其旗下美妝購物平台香港草莓網熱銷護膚品牌Natural Beauty進行直播營銷推廣。於3個多小時的直播中,就帶來破百萬港元的銷售額。 ...


創新講求突破常規思考模式,得出與眾不同的想法。要跳出常規思考模式,需要把個人知識領域的想法,與其他領域,依據不同常規思考的人得出的想法相結合,碰撞出創新點子。要達到這目的,交際能力明顯非常重要。 ...


在近幾年疫情的肆虐之下,不少行業都大受衝擊,部分中小企甚至是老字號、大型企業都因業務一落千丈,要無奈結業。然而「危中有機」,疫情之中卻仍然有着各種的創業及發展機會。數碼廣告企業,正正是一個好例子。 ...

結合人工智能與大數據 步入醫療科技新世代

現時醫學界多利用各種嶄新技術如機械人、4K影像傳輸、擴增實境(AR)、虛擬實境(VR)等實現遙距會診。即使手術期間,亦可與身處其他地點的醫生或專家實時交流。醫院運作也結合大數據與人工智能作出服務提升,讓患者家屬、探訪者獲更佳體驗。 ...


就解決香港人才流失的問題上,政府於施政報告特推出多項「搶人才」的措施。這措施引發多方面的關注和討論。特別吸引筆者眼球的,是一個「搶」字但。「搶」只是解決問題的其中一個可嘗試的方法,要想解決人才流失,需要一個全面的人力資源策略。 ...


要發展智慧城市,智能人流管理是不可或缺的一環。現時,本港的人流管理方案,多用於大型活動出入口監察人流次數,或應用於商場、主題公園、會所等分析使用設施的人流次數。例如,最近康業就為Wetland Seasons Bay會所引入全港會所首套人工智能影像分析系統,分析使用設施的人流,有效管理設施的使用人數,以符合政府社交距離措施。 ...