Career Advice Career Guidance and Counselling

Celebrate talent

Whether you are "Generation X" or "Y", or even a baby boomer, it is clear that you are expected to change jobs far more regularly than in the past. Those just entering the workforce will be anticipating more than a dozen employers over their career. This tends to be even more pronounced when we look at sectors such as financial services or digital marketing, for example, where technology and innovation drive new opportunities.

As a recruiter it is my responsibility to engage with candidates during these critical transition periods, and to delve deeply into the ever important "push" and "pull" factors behind their decisions. Clearly, there are rational drivers involved in the decision-making process such as salary, bonus, benefits and work-life balance, but if retention is high on a employer's priority list it is remiss to discount the less obvious drivers.

It's often the little things that make a significant difference in whether someone decides to stay or go. I've worked with clients over the years who write into employee's contracts that they will have their birthdays as an extra day of annual leave. It may sound trivial, but at the end of the day the biggest international companies are made up of teams of human beings. Loyalty to a business over the longer term often comes down to the support you feel along the way from managers and colleagues. People stay because they feel loyal not only to their companies, but to the people they work with and for.

Exploring creative and innovative ways to celebrate talent is a great way to differentiate your business. Holding on to the best and brightest involves far more than rewards and benefits.

Katharine de Vaal, senior consultant for strategy and transformation – Hong Kong, ConnectedGroup