Career Advice 進修新知

New jobs in media

New media technologies are driving global business shifts and social changes, providing fertile ground for jobs and careers. To provide quality training for management personnel in the field, Baptist University is offering a master of social sciences in media management.

"The allocation of resources, human power management and sources of revenue has changed," says programme director Steve Guo Zhongshi. "The programme provides systematic training in an integrated approach to media management in content production and business operation aspects." The course is aimed at media professionals who have a few years' work experience, and fresh university graduates who want to follow a career in this sector.

"We have students from Hong Kong and the mainland," Guo says. "We welcome students who wish to gain in-depth knowledge of the media industries, and want to be leaders in the profession."

The course integrates a range of academic areas in communication, journalism, public relations and advertising, marketing, corporate management, finance and law.

Applicants need to have a bachelor's degree from a recognised university or a comparable qualification.

Evan Lu, originally from the mainland and a graduate of the course, used to work in an advertising company in Shanghai. "The course provided me with the understanding of Hong Kong culture and enhanced my marketing sense," he says. "In addition, I learned a lot more about corporate financial management and consumer insights. Now I'm working as a marketing executive in a media company in Hong Kong."