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為慶祝迪士尼經典角色米奇誕生90周年,華特迪士尼公司 ( 迪士尼 ) 與國際知名的藝術及設計大學 —— 薩凡納藝術設計大學香港分校 ( SCAD香港 ) 合作....... ...


薩凡納藝術設計大學 ( SCAD ) 與港鐵公司攜手於港鐵中環站舉行「港鐵深水埗站藝術項目」展覽....... ...

College seeking adaptable staff

Located at the former North Kowloon Magistracy building, SCAD Hong Kong brings prestigious American art and design ... ...

Institution eyes regional role

The most comprehensive art and design university in the world has a variety of openings for experienced professors and staff in ... ...

Art college seeks creative talent

The Savannah College of Art and Design (Scad) will open in Hong Kong this autumn and is looking for both academic ... ...