Career Advice Career Guidance and Counselling

Be productive by knowing which is first, last and never

Prioritising your tasks will help you complete your projects on time. This may even give you an extra hour to assist your manager and team members. Most importantly, it is likely to reduce stress because work will be more manageable. 

Reduce stress People feel pressured when they get asked to do a lot of things that they have to finish within a short period of time. Knowing which assignment is the most important will allow you to focus all your energy on it rather than worrying about everything that is piled up before you. 

Boost productivity and meet deadlines Knowing what to work on first will spare you the hassle of going over all the tasks half-heartedly and wondering if you can finish them on time. This will allow you to work better with fewer distractions. You will also have a better chance of meeting deadlines. If you are unsure where to begin, talk to your manager for clarification. 

Contribute to the team By setting your priorities straight, you will have more time to assist your boss and colleagues on a range of broader tasks. You could offer to handle their most urgent projects or support them with simpler tasks like research. This will help you become a valuable member of the team.

Jason Hemens, corporate communications manager, Michael Page International