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Tag: Career Coach

Links MD joins the counselling crew

My career path has had many twists and turns. I graduated from Cornell University with a degree in industrial and labour relations, but at the time there were very few related job opportunities. ...

Career coaching can yield champions

A survey by recruitment firm Robert Half of more than 500 employees in Hong Kong about their thoughts on career coaching has revealed that 88 per cent indicated that ... ...

Finger on pulse of new talent

The talent war never stops. In the medical device industry especially, we look for talents who already have ... ...

Stability amid unstable times

Has the global financial crisis (GFC) morphed into GFC Part 2 with no respite? And is GFC2 already here, as claimed by a number of ... ...

Integrity and communication skills are key

Any ambitious young executive needs strong ethical values and a clear moral compass... ...

Preparing students for future success

The Poly U Student Affairs Office and Career Development Services office have helped guide students through their job searches and equipped them with... ...

The key to acing job your next job interview

Despite their best efforts, candidates often make mistakes at the interview stage that... ...

CEOs can banish stage fright

In William Shakespeare's As You Like It, a character famously states: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely ... ...

Using the mind over matter

By the time Liz Luya finished a 250-kilometre race across the Gobi desert last June, the worn-out mother of three felt ... ...