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Tag: Chartered Financial Analyst

Still room for moves amid belt-tightening

The job market in the commercial and investment banking sector remains tough, writes Michael Taylor. ...

Gearing up

Hiring momentum gaining for IT and operations roles as financial institutions look to build new revenue streams, reports Chris Davis. ...

Invest in the right skills

New finance courses surge after 2008 meltdown, writes Darius Musni. ...

Some tips on entering bankers’ den

Non-finance professionals seeking to move into the banking and finance sector face important ... ...

Some tips on entering bankers’ den

Non-finance professionals seeking to move into the banking and finance sector face important ... ...

Course boosts pillar industry

As an international banking centre, Hong Kong's financial sector is one of its main economic workhorses, accounting for more than ... ...

Lifelong learning the key to success

A successful career in the finance industry is more likely to be achieved because of careful ... ...

CFA brings global recognition

The growth of Asia as a financial power, driven by China's juggernaut of an economic engine, is ... ...

Setting ethical standards

Ethical standards are becoming just as important to employers in the investment sector as competency in ... ...

Qualification gives competitive edge

As the financial services industry continues to expand and create work opportunities, job-seekers could well secure themselves an edge over the competition ... ...