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Tag: collaboration


鴛鴦設計,很多時都是以不同顏色或者圖案放在同一個一雙一對的產品上。那麼品牌是否亦能夠做到鴛鴦效果? ...

The Agile, Branded Workplace

The workplace of the ‘20s is not only collaborative but can also act as a branding flashpoint ...

Tips for Being More Productive in a Shared Workplace

There have certainly been instances where impromptu conversations and brainstorming sessions in shared workspaces have led to something innovative, inventive, and groundbreaking, but on average, the day-to-day ins and outs of sitting in an open floor plan can be distracting, encouraging unconscious procrastination and result in a dip in overall productivity. So how can you be more productive in a shared workplace? ...

Collaboration is name of the changing game

The phrase "collaborative workplace" is not just a trendy statement. Modern companies and organisations - especially technology-savvy ones - are encouraging collaboration and provide for it in the way they design and equip their facilities. As work continues to change from primarily repetitive tasks to creative and innovative work, different spaces are required that accommodate specific collaborative activities and support change day-by-day. ...