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Tag: GDP

【市場消息】 預期香港經濟衰退持續至2020年

澳洲會計師公會最新的香港經濟調查顯示,66%來自會計及金融行業的受訪者預計,2020年香港經濟將出現衰退,另外有73%的受訪者認為香港的競爭力將下降。...... ...

Financial services could create over 250k jobs

More than 250,000 British jobs could be created as a result of growth in the U.K. financial services industry. ...

Jobs exclusion of disabled cuts GDP by 3-7pc: UN

Poor and middle-income countries suffer 3-7pc drop in their GDPs as a result of the exclusion of persons with disabilities, according to UN report ...

Fed sees US jobless rate at 6.5pc by end-2014

Jobless rate may hit 6.8pc to 6.5pc threshold by end-2014, prompting the Fed to raise the benchmark lending rate, possibly in 2015 or later ...