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Tag: mining

Glencore restructuring puts over 300 jobs at risk

After taking over operations at the Collinsville coal mine in Australia, Glencore Xstrata lays off more than 300 workers in a bid to restore the mine to profitability by improving equipment and labour productivity amid collapsing coal prices ...

Peabody to cut 170 coal mining jobs in Australia

Hoping to slash costs amid a global glut in coal supply, Peabody Energy Group ¬– the world’s largest private-sector coal miner – will cut 5.7pc of its total workforce in Australia ...

86,000 children work in Madagascar mines

An ILO report says that 86,000 children of the 438,000 kids in the southwestern region – or 19.63pc – work for pay, while 28pc of Madagascar children ranging from five years old to 17 are working, mostly in household work, mining, carriage, prostitution, farming and restaurant service ...

Australian resource hiring falls as coal loses steam

The boom in demand for coal, iron ore, gold and oil that supported the Australian economy is waning, adding to unemployment made worse by an ailing manufacturing base – but there may be some hope in natural gas ...

Glencore fires 1,000 workers over strikes in South Africa

Dispute at the chrome mines near Steelport, northeast of Johannesburg, has yet to affect customers but can worsen relations with trade unions ...