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Tag: Office Politics

Effectively Navigate Office Politics

Are you good at dealing with office politics? Catch our 5 tips to get your trump to win the house of cards here… ...

How to Increase Productivity in a Busy Office

Studies show that the average office worker is interrupted every 11.2 minutes, and it takes up to 23 minutes to return focus back to the task at hand. Luckily, there are many ways to regain your focus and increase your productivity while working in a busy office... ...

抓緊Click Moment!

「成功須苦幹」、「成功靠才能」、「成功靠人脈」及「成家靠家業」這些說話,大家都可能聽過無數人講過無數次。不過有業務分析師研究過不少成功人士的個案後,認為這些都是當事人得到成功之後自圓其說的解釋,而且每每過度肯定這些理由的重要性。有時「隨意」才是主導成敗的最大力量。 ...