Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Tag: Overtime


你會點證明自己嘅身價?成日開OT,證明自己好勤力?不斷叫人endorse自己LinkedIn上嘅能力?定係開會時不斷問問題,刷存在感? ...


過完年,使完錢,望一望張糧單,公司好似冇乜加過你人工,就算加咗都可能得幾百蚊,樓下茶餐廳加一加價都冇咗。跟住又再諗一諗,平時收工成日都要OT到搭的士,好耐冇食過住家飯,諗起下年都係咁,命都可隨時短幾年。諗到呢度,「轉工」兩個字應該已經出現喺你腦海裡面,加上過年後湧現大量引人轉工嘅招聘廣告,更加令人轉工意欲旺盛。 ...


間唔時都聽到人講,搵唔到愛情就不如寄情工作,將全副心力擺喺公司,愛上工作就唔再需要愛情... ...

Developing Lasting Peer-to Peer Work Relationships

In order to maintain a healthy work environment and be successful in our careers, not to mention enjoy the time we spend in the office, it’s crucial to develop lasting peer-to-peer work relationships. Here are some key ways to forge deeper connections with your colleagues. ...

Warning letter

I'm so upset and think it's so unfair that I've received a warning letter for something really minor. Should I quit before my employer fires me? ...

Eventful life of hotel trainee

Attracted by the bright prospects of China’s rapidly growing hotel industry, Mandy Ye Peiwen pounced on an opportunity to develop her hospitality skills at an international hotel chain by accepting a place on the China Management Trainee Programme at The Langham, Hong Kong, writes Wong Yat-hei. ...