Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Tag: Resumes

New Tools revamp hiring process

The fundamental objectives of recruitment have changed little over the years. It is basically still about attracting the best individuals available ....... ...

The 7 Worst Phrases to Put in Your Cover Letter and Resume

Resume writing and updating is often one of the more dreaded and stressful aspects of job hunting. This article shows the seven worst commonly used phrases in resume and what you should include instead. ...

7 Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

A critical part of any job application, the cover letter should be error free. Here are the top 7 mistakes to avoid at all costs in your cover letter. ...

7 Tips to Create Your Perfect Resume

What’s in a perfect resume? Detailed experience? Personal skills? This article highlights 7 tips to create the perfect resume and get ahead. ...


有沒有想過,為什麼自己寄出過百封求職信也沒有回音,外國有網站做過研究,紀錄招聘人員的眼球運動,發現他們只用6秒去審視一份履歷。換言之,我們的履歷僅有數秒去表述我們的價值。但偏偏有些履歷就用這幾秒去秒殺它的主人,「死咗都唔知咩事」! ...

Impress Your Interviewer With a Career Portfolio: Here's How

Developing an impressive resume is crucial to a successful job search. Before you can ace an interview, you have to get through the job application process first...... ...

寫好求職電郵主題 大幅提高面試機會

當招聘廣告刊出後,招聘者便會收到海量求職電郵,不論你履歷表內的經驗有多出眾,最先被人看到的可能是電郵主題(subject),所以別小看這一行內容,它或會成為能否獲得面試機會的重要關鍵...... ...