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Tag: Retirement Income

Society's guardians

The Correctional Services Department is looking for people dedicated to facilitating rehabilitation, reports Wong Yat-hei. ...

Grey baby boomers back to greenback

Amid economic and social changes, the 55- to 64-year-old age group has had the biggest rise in entrepreneurial activity in the past decade, according to the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, a non-profit US group that pushes entrepreneurship. ...

HSBC helps teach staff to pick the right MPF fund

Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) providers, like human resources managers, are confronted by the generational ... ...

Time to repack the nest eggs?

Demographic trends already tell us that people in Hong Kong are living longer, with many likely to reach their mid-80s, thus having 20-plus years of ... ...

Members weigh options

Proposals to allow phased withdrawals from Mandatory Provident Fund accounts have raised the ... ...

Call for MPF scheme to be flexible

At present, people who have serious financial problems are unable to access the savings locked up in their Mandatory ... ...

Matching measures needed

Financial planners generally believe that changes to the decade-old Mandatory Provident Fund system will be better for ... ...

Gen Y saves for rainy days

It's one of the most interesting generational shifts in living memory, but who would have thought that the hippy, dopey baby boomers would ... ...

Safety net needs plenty of work

Defying crippling strikes and mounting political costs, French President Nicolas Sarkozy will this month sign a law ... ...

Elderly centres understaffed

More than half of daycare centres for the elderly in Hong Kong suffer from serious staff shortages ... ...