Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Tag: strengths and weaknesses


喺見工面試嘅過程入面,面試官除咗想充分了解求職者嘅工作經驗同過往業績之外,仲想知道佢係一個咩人,喺職場上會點處理唔同嘅問題。佢哋會問:「不如講下你有咩優點同弱點?(What are your strengths and weaknesses?)」呢條問題看似簡單,但好多打工仔都唔清楚點樣答先過到關。 ...

Easy Ways to Improve your Leadership Skills

Are you a good leader? It’s not an easy task to effectively lead a team. We have summarized 6 core values on how you can improve your leadership skills. Are you fit in the characters on the checklist? Find it out. ...

Keeping it real: Acknowledging strengths and weaknesses convinces interviewers they’re seeing the real you

As a recruitment and communications strategist, part of my role is to enable candidates to come across as authentic and professional in interviews....... ...