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Tag: team spirit

Bad Management Traits To Avoid

Bad management is catastrophic to business on multiple levels: reduced employee morale, minimal levels of productivity, low retention of talent pool, lack of motivation and creativity, and a host other crushing factors that can destroy your bottom line. Gallup research reveals that a staggering number of employees, roughly 70%, attribute their own motivation directly to their manager... ...

2016 年數碼營銷 7大走勢

隨著互聯網急速的發展,社會的消費行為亦開始改變,各個企業在推廣業務時,都開始善用數碼營銷,因此數碼營銷人才的需求急劇上升。以下是2016年數碼營銷的7大走勢,有意投身數碼營銷的人或已經是數碼營銷的人才可參考一下,好好裝備自己。 ...

The best management style to manage new hires in the Property and Construction Field

The Property and Construction industry deals closely with many players: tenants, board members, labourers, or government agencies...... ...

DHL keeps employees connected: Best Companies to Work For in Greater China 2014

Being part of the DHL team is both challenging and rewarding, as the entire global network works together to enable... ...