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Tag: Greece

Greek media workers walk off job ahead of general strike

Journalists, producers and technical staff at Greece’s newspapers, radio stations and TV channels protest against massive layoffs and austerity measures. ...

Consumers more confident, less worried about jobs

Nielsen survey shows US, Chinese and Japanese consumers more upbeat in Q2, while Indonesia remains the world’s most bullish consumer market and Portuguese is the most pessimistic ...

Greece okays bill slashing thousands of jobs

Tied to the Greece’s next tranche of EU-IMF loans, sweeping bill of reforms is narrowly approved by parliament, paving the way for the redeployment of 25,000 civil servants and the termination of another 4,000 by the end of the year ...

OECD sees record 12.3pc EU jobless rate in 2014

The eurozone’s record unemployment rate of 12.3pc by end-2014 expected to hit young people the hardest, with huge disparities between Germany and hard-up countries such as Spain and Greece, according to OECD forecast ...

Greek workers hold general strike over state job cuts

Greek labour unions set for third general strike this year as legislators start debates on a bill that calls for possible dismissal of 25,000 public employees ...

Greek state TV staff take over the show

Greece’s fragile government shut down ERT and made its 2,700 employees redundant overnight, but the sprawling TV complex in suburban Athens has turned into a unique experiment in self-rule where staff are working for free but with more passion than eve ...

EU kicks off jobs summit after budget compromise

EU leaders kicked off a two-day summit on Thursday tackling the jobs crisis hours after compromise between governments on the EU’s trillion-euro budget. ...

EU youth: over-qualified, poorly paid or jobless

It is not only unemployment but also underemployment – including workers who are overqualified, interns who are unpaid or low-paid, and part-time employees who want full-time work – that has reached critical levels in many EU countries, and could leave a permanent financial and psychological mark on a generation. ...

World down on jobs, with Europe bleakest: Gallup

57pc of adults worldwide said it was a bad time to find a job – unchanged from 2011, although global views on job prospects have improved since 2009, the height of the global downturn. Greece, Italy and Spain the worst places to find work ...

US hiring outlook positive amid global jitters: report

Manpower Group quarterly survey found most employers globally are uncertain about hiring in July to September, while companies in the US and parts of Europe are cautiously optimistic ...