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Tag: International Monetary Fund

Greece okays bill slashing thousands of jobs

Tied to the Greece’s next tranche of EU-IMF loans, sweeping bill of reforms is narrowly approved by parliament, paving the way for the redeployment of 25,000 civil servants and the termination of another 4,000 by the end of the year ...

Greek workers hold general strike over state job cuts

Greek labour unions set for third general strike this year as legislators start debates on a bill that calls for possible dismissal of 25,000 public employees ...

JPMorgan follows Citi, StanChart for Iraq oil

As OPEC’s second-largest producer boosts crude oil output and rebuilds its economy, bankers queue up for business, with JPMorgan Chase following the lead of Citigroup and Standard Chartered to finance infrastructure and support trade finance ...

Foreigners head home as Saudi jobs go to locals

King Abdullah made reducing unemployment in the world’s top oil exporter a priority after the popular unrest that began in 2011 toppled or threatened leaders across the Middle East. His drive to replace foreign workers with Saudis has begun to transform the Arab world’s biggest economy and could hurt labour-exporting regions such as Egypt, Africa, as well as South and Southeast Asia. ...

Egypt’s jobless target Mursi after toppling Mubarak

Mursi’s first year presidency will be marked by nationwide demonstration on his failure to create jobs. ...