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Tag: HR

How does Human Resources professionals act on Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”)?

For the past two years, the combination of a pandemic and "The great resignation" has changed the responsibilities of Human Resources professionals. ESG performance will become increasingly important when attracting and retaining employees as keeping top talent is tough. Nowadays, employees are looking for a company that is responsible for carbon footprints, compliance and has a good risk management system. Sustainable human resources management and practices have arisen. ...


記得有人問過,HR面試經驗多,自己去見工係咪一定唔會緊張、一定會特別叻? 其實HR都係一個普通打工仔,面試一樣會緊張、一樣會被人寸、一樣會遇到惡頂面試官,所以其實好明白一般打工仔面試時嘅感受。只不過因為做得多,知道佢做咩要咁樣問,對面試官唔會有太大嘅「Hard feeling」。 ...


香港地生活節奏急促,秒秒鐘幾廿萬上落,好多公司少咁個人就踢曬腳。一請到新人,就會要求佢地短時間即刻上手,做到好似舊人咁快手。通常新人最脆弱嘅時份係頭一個月,HR最怕就係請咗個新人返嚟,一轉眼就話因為頂唔順而瞬間辭職。如果可以嘅話,其實對新人好啲,佢地對公司印象好啲,員工自然會肯留得長啲。 ...

人地唔要你 又何必苦苦堅持

朋友呀蛋最近好燥咁連Send咗一堆WhatsApp比我,佢話佢最近去間好想入嘅公司見工,Final in.面試過程氣氛好好,感覺好似好大機會請。點知佢等咗兩個星期都冇消息,於是膽粗粗打去問間公司嘅HR,點知個HR同佢講,佢地唔會考慮佢。 ...

The importance of a set of well-drafted post-termination restrictive covenants

Movement of talent is common in Hong Kong and often without notice. A set of bespoke, well-drafted post-termination restrictive covenants can protect an employer’s legitimate business interests and deter breaches by employees and competitors alike. However, what should a well-drafted restrictive covenant look like? Hong Kong Courts are often reluctant to uphold non-compete provisions. The position in Hong Kong, as in many common law jurisdictions, is that covenants in restraint of trade are unenforceable unless they can be shown to be reasonable between the parties and in the public interest. In such case, what can an employer do to protect its interests? ...

Professional Employer Organization: Pros and Cons in 2021

One of the biggest challenges for any company is recruiting and retaining talent. Regardless of the industry, finding the right people is often a challenge. However, the IT field faces unique hurdles that make attracting the best talent even more important. It's hard not just to find an IT specialist, but someone who is a perfect fit. Because of these challenges, many IT companies are hiring professional employer organizations to streamline the hiring process and make it more efficient. These specialized, qualified recruiters can streamline the process and reduce hiring time. ...


一提到即時通訊(IM, Instant Message)應用程式,大家必先會想到傳統的Whatsapp、WeChat等,毋疑它們是最流行的手機通訊App,平日與親友溝通、聊天八卦也總會使用。不少人亦會用將之用在工作上,但總覺得不是味兒。因為它們只是一般性通訊軟件,並不能應付工作上的各方面需要。最近有一款新一代的即時通訊App,就創新地加入大量對應工作的功能,把現代人工作的溝通模式融入其中。這個名為H2O的即時通訊App,能有效幫助企業員工能加強溝通、備註工作事項及會議,亦讓管理層更方便管理員工的執勤、工時、位置等。 ...

【職場浮世繪】 離職問卷有用嗎?

在個別的企業裏,HR會向主動請辭的員工發出「離職問卷」,希望探究對方請辭的原因,冀望把人力資源管理工作做得更好...... ...

【Fresh Grad求職攻略】新世代搵工法則Objective + IG唔少得

有人力資源專家指出,在大學畢業生求職高峰期,HR / Recruiter每天收到約200份履歷表 ( CV ),平均只有一分鐘時間速讀一份........ ...


其實我用訓導處嚟形容HR部門應該係最貼切不過!對於好似盧騷王呢啲小薯嚟講,其實喺一間公司入邊....... ...